The Proud to Care Winter campaign is due to launch on Tues December 7th.

Thank you to everyone who has contributed. We have 38 fantastic profiles of care workers from 10 providers across Bristol, North Somerset and South Glos, with really inspiring stories.  Those profiled reflect the campaign key attraction groups of; young people, work returners, older workers.

The focus of campaign is positive; inspiring messages and images of working in care, stories of career change, and career development. It also seeks to address parity of esteem with Health in public perceptions through messages from senior leaders in Health talking about how critical social care is for the system and our communities.

The advertising and social media campaign will be targeted at each Local Authority area, adverts and media stories will feature local people.

The launch has been pitched to ITV and BBC. ITV are keen to pick up next week. BBC potentially week commencing 20th. It is hoped this will include interviews with system leaders, social care providers and interviews with care workers.

Details of the events and targeted social media planned for the coming months will be shared with you.

Please contact your local Proud to Care Lead if you’d like to get involved and please continue to post your vacancies on the Proud to Care sites.

Many thanks     Kate Barnes  – ASC programme manager South Glos Council